Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Blog 2 for journal entries

Kerry Wright EDU7666 Journal Entries Blog 2 Dr. Signer

Topic Heading

On 10/4 there was a topic on the discussion boards under the, teacher chat boards, and primary elementary initiated by a parent. According to the parent, her daughter’s teacher was punishing the whole class for the actions of a few boys in the class. The punishment has escalated to a silent recess for thirty minutes for the whole class. The parent also claims that the teacher openly complains about her class to other teachers in the hallway. The discussion had several entries that lasted from October 4 to October 6.

The majority of the entries on the discussion board condemned this form of discipline. All of us felt that there are situations where a teacher does have to discipline a whole class, for example when the class gets out of gets out of control and the teacher can not determine the main offenders. However, we all felt that with good classroom management skills this type of occurrence should be very few.

I found it very interesting that only I and one other writer suggested that the parent speak with the teacher first before jumping to conclusions. The child is only eight years old and sometimes children do not always express an accurate version of the events. I think parents have every right to question teachers about unfair procedures. However, I do find it upsetting that this teacher was condemned by this discussion without inquiry into her side of the story.

On the other hand, I do feel that the mother needs to follow up in order to ensure that her daughter is treated fairly. If this teacher did handle the situation the way it was described in the posting, I do feel that he/she is unfair and almost abusive. Therefore, this teacher should be removed.

A classroom is filled with many personalities in one room and it is only normal to get on each other nerves. Being a teacher is a very demanding because we need to control over our emotions and maintain productive environment for our students. The teacher does not have the ability to take a coffee break or longer lunch to calm down on a bad day. Since our actions can have a big impact on children, it is important to develop effective coping skills for these bad days.

Questions I posed with responses

This discussion reminded me that importance of making sure the crime fits the punishment. There are days when I felt I should be more patient. I also will think hard before I discipline the whole class.

I also felt that our society is hard on teachers and condemns them before their side is presented. While I do feel we need to protect our children, I am concerned that if many teachers are judged too quickly, we may start losing good teachers because of the pressure of the job.

Responses to other questions

I wanted to join this discussion because I was upset to read that the teacher openly embarrasses the class in the hallway. I see other teachers do this in my school. I am not comfortable with this approach but I feel helpless. In my posting, I strongly encouraged the parent to follow up on the situation in order to prevent any more emotional harm to the children.


SJUPROF said...

Maybe others read your posting and did not feel a need to post a comment since they agreed with you and did not feel they were adding anything new or different.

There are intermediate steps to take before removing a teacher. First the principal would talk to the teacher to discourage the teacher from continuing the abusive behavior.

Could you open up a dialogue with teachers in your school about these types of comments without identifying or accusing specific teachers?

Kerry said...

Opening a dialogue with the teachers is a good idea but I am not always good at hiding my feelings. They may know why I am doing it. Do you have any suggestions how to open up the dialogue?
Also I do wish the principal would get move involved. Maybe if more parents would speak up the principal would get involved.

SJUPROF said...

Hard to say without knowing the people and school climate. Could you word the discussion in a positive way and add as an item at a meeting? How to provide students with more positive feedback from teachers rather than how to stop negative comments?

Kerry said...

Thanks I wll try that angle.