Sunday, September 28, 2008

First Jouranls Entry

Kerry Wright EDU7666

Journal Entries Dr. Signer

Topic Heading

On 9/14 there was a question on the discussion boards under the, teacher chat boards, primary elementary about a class having low vocabulary test scores. The discussion had entries from 9/14-9/15. There were several entries that requested clarification of vocabulary tests. I had assumed that it was to understand the meaning of words but the originator meant word identification skills. This transaction surprised me because I assumed that vocabulary was the meaning of words. However, I learned that vocabulary has different meanings to different teachers.

There was not direct response from the originator but the discussion revealed the following suggestions: drawing pictures of the words so the children can show if they understand the words; doing extra work during guided reading with the words; meeting with the students daily who did poorly on the assessment to work on those words using chants; doing PowerPoint presentation with pictures and sentences; using the web page use for activities. One teacher gave a schedule of activities to conduct each day during one week. These activities included introduction of the words, drawing pictures, writing sentences with two of the words and answering yes/no questions.

Although I suggested drawing pictures of the words, I have used some of the techniques listed above. I do plan to investigate the web page listed above and singing chants.

Responses to others’ questions

I chose this question because I had learned about drawing pictures of words from Dr. Robinson literacy class. I used this approach in my classes and found it to be very accurate at assessing the students’ understanding of words. When I read the problem on the discussion board, I felt compelled to share that approach.


SJUPROF said...

Hi Kerry:

I see you only used the topic heading responses to other questions. Please repost using indicating the other headings that applied to your post as well.


Lists Joined and Date Joined or for Blogs and Discussion Board. Name and brief description of the list(s), blogs, and discussion boards.

Topics Discussed with dates spanning discussions: This will be the bulk of your Blog. Summarize discussion without using quotes of what you read.

a. These include descriptions of classroom activities, resources (books, Web sites, books, magazines, etc), and issues that were discussed.

b. Explain areas of agreement, disagreement, concerns, advise, etc. Go beyond just summarizing what was posted. Remember the reader was not part of the discussions so provide necessary information.

c. Include any follow-up of activities that you tried with your students that you had learned about from the list, shared with other teachers, or used for another graduate course.

Questions you posed with responses:

a. Include descriptions of discussions you participated in and any consequences for your teaching.

b. Why did you choose to ask the question?

c. What did you learn from the responses?

Responses to others' questions:

a. Why did you choose to answer the particular question or make a particular comment.

b. Describe any messages of appreciation you received.

Kerry said...

Updated 10/7

Kerry Wright EDU7666 Journal Entries Dr. Signer
Topic Heading
On 9/14 there was a question on the discussion boards under the, teacher chat boards, primary elementary about a class having low vocabulary test scores. The discussion had entries from 9/14-9/15.
Questions I posed with responses
I had suggested that vocabulary is an understanding and that the students should draw pictures. Then I got a response that the teacher was writing about word identification skills. There were also several entries that requested clarification of vocabulary tests. This transaction surprised me because I assumed that vocabulary was the meaning of words. However, I learned that vocabulary has different meanings to different teachers. The discussion revealed the following suggestions: drawing pictures of the words so the children can show if they understand the words; doing extra work during guided reading with the words; meeting with the students daily who did poorly on the assessment to work on those words using chants; doing PowerPoint presentation with pictures and sentences; using the web page use for activities. One teacher gave a schedule of activities to conduct each day during one week. These activities included introduction of the words, drawing pictures, writing sentences with two of the words and answering yes/no questions. Although I suggested drawing pictures of the words, I have used some of the techniques listed above. I do plan to investigate the web page listed above and singing chants.
Responses to others’ questions
I chose this question because I had learned about drawing pictures of words from Dr. Robinson literacy class. I used this approach in my classes and found it to be very accurate at assessing the students’ understanding of words. When I read the problem on the discussion board, I felt compelled to share that approach.