Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Kerry Wright EDU7666 Journal Entries Blog 4 Dr. Signer

Topic Heading

On 11/2 there was a question about lesson ideas for the elections on the discussion boards under the, chat boards (elementary education). The teacher needed ideas to handle teaching the voting process to second grade class. One teacher responded with a suggestion that she uses for her class. I like the suggestion that this teacher gave which was to set up little cardboard dividers around the table and each student had to take turns casting a vote.
This idea really caught my attention because I felt it gave the students a real idea of the voting process. The students had to wait in line and the choice was private. This approach is much more realistic for the students then asking for a show of hands and tallying their choices on the board.

Questions I posed with responses

I had planned to post the election question on the discussion board but someone else beat me to it. So when I saw the posting I joined in the discussion. This discussion I found had a big impact on my approach to teaching the voting process in my class room. I implemented the idea described above and it really made an impression on my students.

By setting up a voting area with cardboard dividers, I was able to impress upon the students about the importance of following procedures when voting. I think many adults do not take the process seriously and it is important for teachers to give that understanding to young children. I also impressed on the students the privilege we have in this country to vote in private without the fear of retaliation for the way we vote.
I have had elections in my class before. However, I felt this simple idea of dividers and turn taking was much more educational for the students.

Responses to other questions
I sent a message to the writer of this idea that I would try their idea. I also sent a message that I used this simple idea and I felt it was very successful.
I also found it interesting that only one person had a suggestion for teaching the voting process. I guess many teachers do not teach on this topic. I think that is very sad because we need to teach children and impress the importance of voting.


SJUPROF said...

Hi Kerry:

The election in your class probably ran smoother than as many polling places!! Glad you were able to use an idea from this discussion board so quickly and timely.

If you search "election lesson plans" on GOOGLE, I would think you would find some that were relevant for your students.

Is there anything you can add about another discussion that took place during the same week from this or another discussion board? Basically this was one question with one response and not a discussion.


Kerry said...

HI Dr. S,

I did pose a question to the writer about how to guide second graders to discuss the election issues. I did not get a response. So I can add another discussion to my assignment. Let me know.

On another note, I had posted a question on how to teach about the financial crisis. I was so disappointed that no one responded. I feel that many people do not think this will effect them if they are not in the financial industry. However that is very false. As educators we need to understand our global interdepence. Maybe I could discuss this educational issue of the financial crisis with someone in the financial industry? That is an idea, have discussion boards between educators and employees in various industries to ensure that we are teaching the studetns for the outside world. What do you think?




Kerry said...

D S,
Thanks for the idea to check google for lesson plans. I will try that.